"K, the mother of a son and a daughter, who
is an Account Holder of a
Fixed Deposit Certificate has EXPIRED;
as K's son is the nominee,
so he must get the full money,
not to be SHARED.
But, as per Supreme Court,
a nominee is just
so from any Court, K's daughter can get
a 50%-50% sharing order as per
the 'Certificate of SUCCESSION.'
K's son is keeping the
original Fixed Deposit
Certificate in his HOUSE.
K's daughter has filed a case
against K's son as if a
cat is chasing a MOUSE.
The Bank is ready to pay
both the legal heirs, the 50%-50%
of the deceased AMOUNT;
but, the Bank is not having
the original Certificate of
the Fixed Deposit ACCOUNT.
A Judge of a
Junior Civil Court
cannot issue an arrest WARRANT,
though it got issued against the
Branch Manager to show egoism and some
powers of a Judge which is INHERENT.
On the Hearing Date, an Order got issued
that even without getting the
Original Fixed Deposit Certificate, the
Bank must pay 50% of the
deceased amount to K's DAUGHTER.
Can a Bank pay the amount
without taking the
original Fixed Deposit Certificate
from K's son in this MATTER !
Can a Junior Civil court's order change
the existing KYC norms and
due diligence policy of
any Bank under RBI GUIDELINES ?
Instead of harassing the Branch Manager
unnecessarily, why the Court cannot issue
an arrest warrant against K's son
with bail amount FINES ?"- Arindam Sain
is an Account Holder of a
Fixed Deposit Certificate has EXPIRED;
as K's son is the nominee,
so he must get the full money,
not to be SHARED.
But, as per Supreme Court,
a nominee is just
so from any Court, K's daughter can get
a 50%-50% sharing order as per
the 'Certificate of SUCCESSION.'
K's son is keeping the
original Fixed Deposit
Certificate in his HOUSE.
K's daughter has filed a case
against K's son as if a
cat is chasing a MOUSE.
The Bank is ready to pay
both the legal heirs, the 50%-50%
of the deceased AMOUNT;
but, the Bank is not having
the original Certificate of
the Fixed Deposit ACCOUNT.
A Judge of a
Junior Civil Court
cannot issue an arrest WARRANT,
though it got issued against the
Branch Manager to show egoism and some
powers of a Judge which is INHERENT.
On the Hearing Date, an Order got issued
that even without getting the
Original Fixed Deposit Certificate, the
Bank must pay 50% of the
deceased amount to K's DAUGHTER.
Can a Bank pay the amount
without taking the
original Fixed Deposit Certificate
from K's son in this MATTER !
Can a Junior Civil court's order change
the existing KYC norms and
due diligence policy of
any Bank under RBI GUIDELINES ?
Instead of harassing the Branch Manager
unnecessarily, why the Court cannot issue
an arrest warrant against K's son
with bail amount FINES ?"- Arindam Sain