"OYSTER: 'Humans are of the
opinion that if they eat OYSTERS;
then the nutrients of that
food acts as power BOOSTERS.
Our species are of so many
varieties, so many types of
flavours, but humans prefer
to eat us RAW;
the greed factor among humans to
reproduce us on a large scale invited
several virus attacks on us, though,
some nations have imposed a strict LAW.'
OCTOPUS: 'As we have three hearts
and nine brains, humans are JEALOUS;
our blood is blue and can secrete out venom
when any shark or human comes near US.
In some nations, humans
eat us with spicy sauce
after burning us LIVE;
every year, after swallowing by
not chewing us properly, many
humans failed to remain ALIVE.'"- Arindam Sain