"Netaji's 'Azad Hind Fauz',
started the armed
regimented REBELLION;
and due to such patriotism and courage,
the 'Indian National Army' won the
hearts of around 1 MILLION.
The British Empire was relaxing with a
cheeky smile in their face, as Mohandas
Gandhi and his 'Madhyapantha' Congress
Party workers believed in NON-VIOLENCE;
but, when Subhash Chandra Bose started
slapping at both the cheeks of British people,
the British Empire realized the meaning
of counterattacking VIOLENCE.
Japanese Army
were also CRUEL;
but, still their helping hands towards
INA was like getting more free FUEL.
When the national flag of India got
hoisted at Moirang by INA, the Indian
freedom fighters gained CONFIDENCE;
and in many places of India, they
counterattacked the British cops as they
understood that 'Offense is the best DEFENCE'.
The nuclear bombing at Nagasaki and
Hiroshima indirectly had a negative IMPACT;
otherwise, INA could have easily captured
the 'Red Fort' of Delhi in FACT.
The plane crash
incident was
a fake NEWS;
the letter written to the British Empire
by another INC leader proved that their
party workers had cunning mentality
and negative political VIEWS.
The beloved leader of ASIA;
was hiding somewhere in RUSSIA.
Had he been the first
Prime Minister of India,
then India would have been
the No. 1 powerful NATION;
the hermit got much deserved love
and respect in the Kingdom of Ram
Janmabhoomi, though, he had to
frequently change his LOCATION."- Arindam Sain