"With effect from 1st April 2020,
many PSU Banks completed the
process of AMALGAMATION;
Indian Bank and Allahabad Bank
merged together to become the
7th largest PSU Bank of India NATION.
In South India, particularly, in
merged together to become the
7th largest PSU Bank of India NATION.
In South India, particularly, in
Jewel Loans, Indian Bank has
a good market CONCENTRATION;
so many rural branches of Allahabad
so many rural branches of Allahabad
Bank helped the Indian Bank to do
rapid market PENETRATION.
Merging of nearby branches
became an administrative NECESSITY;
as a merged entity, more focus was
given to maintain a good asset QUALITY.
The efficiency level of ATM centres of
Indian Bank is good and the location of
almost all its branches are having
a business FEASIBILITY;
in comparison to Indian Bank, the
Allahabad Bank is having more branches
in remote rural areas, more or less based
on just cheaper premises rent AVAILABILITY.
After the merger process, in terms of
IT infrastructure, Indian Bank is
becoming much more developed,
upgraded and ORGANIZED;
in this era of global competition,
digital products of PSU banks have
become very important, even the
bank customers have also REALIZED.
Keeping the soft copies of CASA accounts
in 'CAPC' and loan documents in 'DAMC'
respectively is really a good INITIATIVE;
the disbursement of PLI for 15 days in
FY 2020-21 by the Indian Bank itself proves
that the synergy is POSITIVE."- Arindam Sain