"BABLOO: 'Due to economic problems in
India in this pandemic situation, the
fuel prices are somewhat RISING;
but, the dramatic response instead of
reducing the state level tax by a particular
state government is quite SURPRISING.'
BABOOL: 'The price of petrol has now
crossed the Rs. 100/- BENCHMARK;
the actual price of petrol is around Rs. 40/-,
and this information is kept at DARK.
BABLA: 'Each and every state government
earns around Rs. 30/-, when 1 litre of
Petrol becomes Rs. 100/- per litre PRICE;
why the Bangabhoomi government cannot
reduce the state level tax on fuel, when it can
provide at Rs. 5/-, a plate of 'Vegetable RICE.'
BALA: 'The fuel prices to be increased
intentionally to a certain extent to recover
some of the huge expenses due to the
mission of free VACCINATION;
the state governments are also earning a lot due
to the rise in fuel prices, that is why, not a single
state government wants to include 'fuel' under
'GST Council' of India NATION.'"- Arindam Sain
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