"Mr. X: 'The concept of 'CAPC'
was not there in our BANK;
but, after its implementation, somehow,
we can sense why that ship SANK.
Mr.Y: 'In our Bank, 'CAPC' was only there to
verify the KYC documents, photo, signature of
newly opened Savings Accounts only, not for
'Inoperative' accounts or CIF AMENDMENT;
your Bank acquired our Bank and then made
CAPC process more complex and redundant
to waste time unnecessarily, surely, a big
blunder made by the top MANAGEMENT.'
Mr. X: 'It is better to give the control of 'CIF
amendment' and 'Inoperative to Operative'
process to the branch level as basically,
we are doing customer HARASSMENT;
even the CBS software has not been upgraded,
still acting like a miser, the banking app is
still pathetic, so, are they waiting for
another merger by the Indian GOVERNMENT.'
Mr. Y: 'Simple software
and smart BANKING;
can only improve business
market RANKING.'"- Arindam Sain