"It is the war of 'East' Vs 'West',
which has been ignited by RUSSIA;
one must not forget that 'USSR'
was the largest nation of ASIA.
USA betrayed the Afghans, after
utilizing the Afghanistan SOIL;
USA created terrorists and even snatched
so much amount of 'middle east OIL'.
If USA steps in, then against
USA, the UAE, China, North Korea
and Iran may get UNITED;
already, due to big poking nose
of USA, the condition of the
world economy has DETERIORATED.
Why so many European nations
are taking the side of USA, is
a very fishy DIPLOMACY;
to stop the silent economic invasion of
USA, Russia had no other choice, they
are not doing it for showing SUPREMACY.
UK never showed respect to 'European
Union' and as a result, we witnessed 'BREXIT';
so, their economic strategies on a
global platform never became SUPERHIT.
But, for the common people of any
nation, any war is always DESTRUCTIVE;
so, there must be peace talks, no matter,
whatever is the ultimate MOTIVE.
The 'West' must
not underestimate
the power of 'EAST';
one is a 'Dragon' and
another one is a 'Tiger', so,
beware of any dangerous BEAST."- Arindam Sain