"BABLOO: 'When a wife has
deserted her husband, why to give
her so much 'maintainence MONEY';
as per 'Hindu Marriage Act', why the
Hindu women will enjoy all facilities
and eat up all the HONEY.
Like in one web series on 'Netflix', you
may Invest a portion of cryptocurrency
on any dark world 'Supari KILLER';
and invest another portion of money
on cops and lawyers to illegally close
the file of a 'Crime THRILLER'.'
BABOOL: 'Are you still in alcoholic hangover
or what, this is not AFGHANISTAN;
you are not a Taliban also, this is
India and you are an INDIAN.
Nowadays, it is legal for any
woman to give birth to a baby
and live the life of a single MOTHER;
so, it is easy for your 2nd wife to take care
of your child, no one can interfere also, if
that woman wants to reproduce ANOTHER.'
BABLA: 'Do something terribly
wrong in your ORGANIZATION;
so that, you get the letter
Once you are unemployed,
where from you will provide
the 'one time settlement' AMOUNT';
make an appeal to the court that you are
poor now and the court must give a mutual
divorce by taking this petition into ACCOUNT.'
BALA: 'All these strategies have
thorns and too much THEORETICAL;
you must follow that strategy which
is absolutely safe and not so CRITICAL.
If you can reproduce one or two
babies by having at least 6 years
then, many years down the line, divorce case will
go on and on, but, you and your live in partner
will win the CHAMPIONSHIP.'"- Arindam Sain