"KING: 'Performance, performance,
performance, I like PERFORMANCE;
I don't like to see that common people
are always busy in making GRIEVANCE.
No matter which political party is in power,
unless there is any rapid DEVELOPMENT;
then, in the next upcoming election
results, they will surely LAMENT.'
HERMIT: 'Among the common people,
we have to create an AWARENESS;
getting monthly allowances to
become lazy is MEANINGLESS.
Recruitment in various sectors
must be there every YEAR;
otherwise, the bad days for the
economy of the kingdom are very NEAR.'
CHIEF WARRIOR: 'Corruption is also a
big issue and taking strict legal actions
on these culprits is a NECESSITY;
law is law and it should be the same
for all, no matter, whether he or she
is a common man or a CELEBRITY.
Wherever there is any
corruption, the common
people must not TOLERATE;
the judges of the learned courts must also
realize that the justice is actually denied,
if the justice is given very LATE.'"- Arindam Sain