"HERMIT: 'The bankruptcy of
some banks in USA may again
create a global RECESSION;
how to make our Indian banks
stronger, for that, we must
have a strategic SESSION.
to increase the security reserve in all the
banks during pandemic period has surely
proved to be an added ADVANTAGE;
now, when we clean up our house,
we are not only cleaning it, but,
also, side by side, we will try to
clear out any type of GARBAGE.'
KING: 'Taking note of the recent
bankruptcy cases in USA, the privatization
of PSU Banks will surely be a DISASTER;
because, you never know, when the
Managing Director of a private bank
will turn out to be a big FRAUDSTER.'
ROYAL STRATEGIST: 'By just merging
the existing PSU banks, let us make
4 large PSU Banks which will have
a healthy global PRESENCE;
to boost up the economy and
to do NPA recovery by 'CKYC
Portability', the rapid merger of
PSU Banks is an ESSENCE.'"- Arindam Sain