"ISF SUPPORTER: 'Due to repeated
corruption and barbarism on our community
also, we are also angry, it is a FACT;
now, the 'Sagardighi' result is an example
of a revolt of the common people, so,
obviously, they had to REACT.
Just before any election,
they always try to play
the card of COMMUNALISM;
in this very same Bangabhoomi,
why were there no religious clashes,
when there was 'COMMUNISM'.'
RSS SUPPORTER: 'Yes, you guys
are right, because, within 24 hours,
we are experts in taking ACTION;
but, we smelled the political
connection and understood what
is actually the real INTENTION.
They are doing these things with
the help of their party level goons,
to divert the public's ATTENTION;
from the issues of corruption
from top to bottom level of their
inefficient ADMINISTRATION.'"- Arindam Sain