"It all started with King Yayati,
the father of Yadu, Turvasu,
Druhyu, Anudruhyu and PURU;
after many generations of Puru
dynasty, King Kuru started another
dynasty, which was known as 'KURU'.
All the sons of King Yayati
formed their own tribe, like King
Yadu formed Yaduvanshi DYNASTY;
Druhyu's descendant was Shakuni of
Gandhara dynasty, whose sweet
revenge was so cunning and NASTY.
The Dravidians are the
descendants of King Turvasu,
be it Pandya, Chola, Andhra,
Karnata and KERALA;
Anudruhyu's descendants were
Mleccha dynasty of Balochistan
as well as of Kamrup and
Bhoja dynasty of MALWA.
King Yayati ruled over 'Jambudweep'
where the region 'Bharat' was
in between the ocean and
the snowy MOUNTAIN;
there was a battle between 'Bharat'
tribe and other tribes like 'Yadu', 'Puru',
etc. as they knew that conquering the
region of 5 rivers will be a huge GAIN.
Greek people could not pronounce the
letter 'S', hence, 'Sindhu' became 'HINDU';
the Chinese people omitted the letter
'H' and pronounced it as 'INDU'.
British people renamed the
Sindhu river as Indus RIVER;
thanks to the Persians, that the tradition
of traditional names was not OVER.
Persians started to call the region as
'Hind' and named it as 'Hind-o-Sthaan',
which later got MODIFIED;
So, the family tree of King Yayati formed
a Kingdom where there was unity,
though, the cultures got DIVERSIFIED.
As the King Bharat, the great
son of King Dushyant and
Shakuntala united all the tribes,
so, the entire Kingdom got
renamed after his NAME;
King Kaushika of Kanaujj failed to
win the 'Kamdhenu,' by fighting
against Vashisth and Sudas, so, later
on, the Rajarishi became Brahmarishi
Vishwamitra to earn more FAME. "- Arindam Sain
the father of Yadu, Turvasu,
Druhyu, Anudruhyu and PURU;
after many generations of Puru
dynasty, King Kuru started another
dynasty, which was known as 'KURU'.
All the sons of King Yayati
formed their own tribe, like King
Yadu formed Yaduvanshi DYNASTY;
Druhyu's descendant was Shakuni of
Gandhara dynasty, whose sweet
revenge was so cunning and NASTY.
The Dravidians are the
descendants of King Turvasu,
be it Pandya, Chola, Andhra,
Karnata and KERALA;
Anudruhyu's descendants were
Mleccha dynasty of Balochistan
as well as of Kamrup and
Bhoja dynasty of MALWA.
King Yayati ruled over 'Jambudweep'
where the region 'Bharat' was
in between the ocean and
the snowy MOUNTAIN;
there was a battle between 'Bharat'
tribe and other tribes like 'Yadu', 'Puru',
etc. as they knew that conquering the
region of 5 rivers will be a huge GAIN.
Greek people could not pronounce the
letter 'S', hence, 'Sindhu' became 'HINDU';
the Chinese people omitted the letter
'H' and pronounced it as 'INDU'.
British people renamed the
Sindhu river as Indus RIVER;
thanks to the Persians, that the tradition
of traditional names was not OVER.
Persians started to call the region as
'Hind' and named it as 'Hind-o-Sthaan',
which later got MODIFIED;
So, the family tree of King Yayati formed
a Kingdom where there was unity,
though, the cultures got DIVERSIFIED.
As the King Bharat, the great
son of King Dushyant and
Shakuntala united all the tribes,
so, the entire Kingdom got
renamed after his NAME;
King Kaushika of Kanaujj failed to
win the 'Kamdhenu,' by fighting
against Vashisth and Sudas, so, later
on, the Rajarishi became Brahmarishi
Vishwamitra to earn more FAME. "- Arindam Sain