"There is no need for any trade union
to go for any unnecessary STRIKE;
the Indian Government must give all
the PSU Bank employees a decent HIKE.
No need to delay the next '12th Bipartite
Settlement', scrap all the concept
of 'Bipartite Settlement ARREAR';
if there is a good salary in PSU Banks,
then our next generation will feel more
motivated to make a 'Banking CAREER.'
'Performance Linked Incentive' (PLI)
should only be given to the
employees of those branches
only which will be in PROFIT;
and if any branch is in loss for
to go for any unnecessary STRIKE;
the Indian Government must give all
the PSU Bank employees a decent HIKE.
No need to delay the next '12th Bipartite
Settlement', scrap all the concept
of 'Bipartite Settlement ARREAR';
if there is a good salary in PSU Banks,
then our next generation will feel more
motivated to make a 'Banking CAREER.'
'Performance Linked Incentive' (PLI)
should only be given to the
employees of those branches
only which will be in PROFIT;
and if any branch is in loss for
three consecutive financial
years, no need to continue
that branch, just merge IT.
When there is a shortage of
manpower due to RETIREMENT;
utilize the Peon Cum Daftary as a part
of smart manpower MANAGEMENT.
Either install Passbook Kiosks
or provide CBS ID to PCD where
When there is a shortage of
manpower due to RETIREMENT;
utilize the Peon Cum Daftary as a part
of smart manpower MANAGEMENT.
Either install Passbook Kiosks
or provide CBS ID to PCD where
in that CBS ID, he or she can do
only the passbook PRINTING;
implement '5 days banking' and mark
only the passbook PRINTING;
implement '5 days banking' and mark
'inefficiency' if it is found that the staffs
are increasing the electricity bills by
are increasing the electricity bills by
continuous late SITTING."- Arindam Sain