“Every Pakistani thinks that to
any innocent person anywhere in
this world
by an act of terrorism is their
birth RIGHT.
But, side by side, it is also
true that every Pakistani appreciates the fact that
except the brave soldiers of Indian
Army, no other nations in this world
has any brave soldiers of any efficient
military organization to keep them TIGHT.
When United Nations has proved
itself as a weak and useless entity
when it comes to dealing with
Pakistani Terrorism,
then why India have to take any
permission from United NATIONS?
India must cross the LOC Kargil
to kill the Pakistani terrorists and completely
conquer Pakistan occupied Kashmir
(PoK) without any HESITATIONS.
If China is helping Pakistan in
this regard and publicly telling LIES;
then India must discontinue with
China, any bilateral TIES.
Pakistan never understand sweet
but kicks only and quite
wants to fight a war with India
at any COST;
and Indian Army must take this
to gun down all Pakistani
Terrorists to take the revenge of
those Indian Army martyrs whose
lives we have LOST.”-Arindam Sain