"BABLOO: 'We are worried
about the rise in potato PRICE;
as rice is available at Rs.2 per kilogram,
we are planning to eat more 'Water RICE'.
BABOOL: 'Middlemen are stepping
in to cause food INFLATION;
something fishy is going on to fool the
people in the 'public foods DISTRIBUTION.'
BABLA: 'Why to give them so importance,
they are always there to loot you and
will create an artificial panic scenario
which may look so ALARMING;
you can produce potato in poly bags,
onion, chilli, brinjal in earthen pots,
even rice too in small tubs, go
for terrace FARMING.'
BALA: 'Yeah ! Already in the
developed nations, terrace farming
is gaining a huge POPULARITY;
it is an indirect strategy to keep your family
healthy and contribute in greenery and
economic PROSPERITY.'"- Arindam Sain