"Boycott those people socially
who are wilful defaulters of
any PSU Bank in your LOCALITY;
they are the silent dacoits
to loot and ruin the economy
of any village, town or CITY.
You are paying more tax,
you are paying more money to
buy any product due to INFLATION;
but, these bloody wilful defaulters are
doing acting in front of foolish judges and
'OTS' is still being practiced in India NATION.
The Indian Government
must come out of these
vote bank POLITICS;
'Subsidy' and 'Loan Compromise'
are like viruses for any economy
as per global STATISTICS.
The only thing the
Indian Government knows
is to either merge the PSU
banks or go for PRIVATIZATION;
whereas, the Chinese Government has
made strict laws in favour of the banks to
recover all loans to make their banks stronger
globally in this age of GLOBALIZATION.
The money that the Indian Government
pumps in every year to waive off NPAs in
PSU Banks, that does not come for FREE;
it is actually the money of the Indian
taxpayers, as the Indian Government
is not having any 'Money TREE'."- Arindam Sain