"BABLOO: 'The poor parents worked
hard to make their daughter a good
doctor and shine in that CAREER;
but, inside the seminar hall of 'RG Kar'
hospital, the lady doctor got raped
and murdered by a civic VOLUNTEER.
This is not 'Bangladesh',
but it is also the 'West BENGAL';
here also, there is a huge life
risk, no one is safe at ALL'.
hard to make their daughter a good
doctor and shine in that CAREER;
but, inside the seminar hall of 'RG Kar'
hospital, the lady doctor got raped
and murdered by a civic VOLUNTEER.
This is not 'Bangladesh',
but it is also the 'West BENGAL';
here also, there is a huge life
risk, no one is safe at ALL'.
BABOOL: 'To enter into the seminar
hall of a government hospital, how
an outsider got ACCESS;
also the administration and the
infrastructural system of 'RG Kar'
hospital is in total MESS.
The Kolkata Police was initially trying
to make it a suicide case, but, after
the medical students union PROTEST;
the Kolkata Police declared it as a
case of rape and murder after proper
postmortem and forensic TEST.'
hall of a government hospital, how
an outsider got ACCESS;
also the administration and the
infrastructural system of 'RG Kar'
hospital is in total MESS.
The Kolkata Police was initially trying
to make it a suicide case, but, after
the medical students union PROTEST;
the Kolkata Police declared it as a
case of rape and murder after proper
postmortem and forensic TEST.'
BABLA: 'Nurses and lady doctors are
ordered to switch off their mobile
phone while doing duty at NIGHT;
even there are no separate changing
rooms and washrooms for hospital
staff, such is their PLIGHT.
Even the doors of the
washrooms used by the
patients have broken CLEAT;
also treating the doctors like robots by
giving them 36 hours of duty, the hospital
super must resign from that SEAT.'
ordered to switch off their mobile
phone while doing duty at NIGHT;
even there are no separate changing
rooms and washrooms for hospital
staff, such is their PLIGHT.
Even the doors of the
washrooms used by the
patients have broken CLEAT;
also treating the doctors like robots by
giving them 36 hours of duty, the hospital
super must resign from that SEAT.'
BALA: 'It is very shameful to see that
a lady doctor is getting raped and
killed and that too inside a hospital
run by West Bengal GOVERNMENT;
the arrested culprit must be hanged
till death but were there other culprits
too, that must be investigated by
the Kolkata Police DEPARTMENT.'"- Arindam Sain
a lady doctor is getting raped and
killed and that too inside a hospital
run by West Bengal GOVERNMENT;
the arrested culprit must be hanged
till death but were there other culprits
too, that must be investigated by
the Kolkata Police DEPARTMENT.'"- Arindam Sain