Friday, March 30, 2018


"Confusions and controversies are
always at its PEAK;
whenever before any examination, there happens
an incident of question paper LEAK.
In this era of cut-throat competition,
rat race and too much STRESS;
Leaking out question papers before
any examination has become a BUSINESS.
Indian Government must
take some strict ACTIONS;
to ensure that not a single question paper
gets leaked before the upcoming EXAMINATIONS.
To avoid such type of malpractices and corruption,
not a single examination should be conducted OFFLINE.
In this modern era, more focus to be given on
improving the infrastructure of digitization;
and all exams to be conducted ONLINE.
A high level software to be created for
conducting any online EXAM;
and the GUI of that software must be
simple, easy, interesting and AWESOME.
For answering any Multiple Choice Question (MCQ),
a candidate has to click on a ROUND BUTTON.
For answering any theoretical question, a candidate has
to click on a big textbox provided in the software to type UPON.
In that software, 500 MCQs and
200 theoretical questions
to be installed,
which during any online exam
will be randomly GENERATED.
Even if any candidate tries to cheat in the
examination hall, it is very difficult, because, no one knows,
which 50 MCQs and 10 theoretical questions will randomly be generated
to make the online exam more secure and highly RATED."- Arindam Sain

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