"If you don't want to pay,
don't pay, but, don't force your
employees to come to WORK;
because, you, as an employer
also don't know, when 'Corona Virus'
may hunt you like a SHARK.
If that employee
loses a job,
he/she will get
another job LATER;
but, if he/she dies due to 'Corona Virus'
attack, then, for his/her family members,
your company's life insurance
amount does not MATTER.
As an employer, you
cannot bring back his/her life,
you can only give
prizes, money, rewards,
applauds and CONSOLATION;
so, Indian Government must take steps
on those employers who are forcing their
employees to work in this 'Lockdown'
period, and it will be considered as a
very serious ESCALATION."- Arindam Sain
don't pay, but, don't force your
employees to come to WORK;
because, you, as an employer
also don't know, when 'Corona Virus'
may hunt you like a SHARK.
If that employee
loses a job,
he/she will get
another job LATER;
but, if he/she dies due to 'Corona Virus'
attack, then, for his/her family members,
your company's life insurance
amount does not MATTER.
As an employer, you
cannot bring back his/her life,
you can only give
prizes, money, rewards,
applauds and CONSOLATION;
so, Indian Government must take steps
on those employers who are forcing their
employees to work in this 'Lockdown'
period, and it will be considered as a
very serious ESCALATION."- Arindam Sain