"GIRL: 'Except you, love proposals from
several boys, towards me were NUMEROUS;
but, I approached towards you as you are
too straightforward and HUMOROUS.
Professionalism is good, but,
that does not mean that you
have to become more SERIOUS;
enjoy the ambience around you fully
on a positive note, groom yourself
up and be more GLAMOROUS.'
BOY: 'Is it somewhat true
that for you, my entry in your
personal life has been quite BLISSFUL;
the answer is unknown yet, but, after falling
in love with me, nowadays, you are trying
to look more BEAUTIFUL.
Romance provides a silent
motivating power to love
yourself to impress your
lover, which is really WONDERFUL;
you are optimistic and believe in
'live and let live' policy which will
surely make our love relationship,
both cute and CHEERFUL."- Arindam Sain