you always love to sit on
my back EVERYDAY ?'
MUNIA (WHITE CRANE): 'I don't know,
but, I like it, many questions have no
answers, what you SAY ?'
MANGALA: 'Yeah ! Yeah ! Quite a
smart answer indeed; so, what
are the news headlines TODAY ?'
MUNIA: 'In all the news, one thing is
common, the life of human beings is
becoming more complex day by DAY.'
MANGALA: 'Once upon a time,
you were saying that you
want to be a human being
in your next BIRTH.'
MUNIA: 'I was wrong, actually, the
intelligent brains have more demand
and are never satisfied, hence, I want
to remain as a bird after REBIRTH.'
MANGALA: 'Life cycle is just like
the Sunrise and Sunset; I need to
go back home now, as the
Sun is setting in the WEST.'
MUNIA: 'Oho ! Look towards the sky, I love
watching this everyday, as, so many birds
are flying together and going back happily
to their respective NEST.'"- Arindam Sain