"The customers are staying
with the PSU banks STILL;
because of the PSU Bank
Staff's marketing SKILL.
Simplify the 'CAPC' and
'KYC Verification' PROCESS;
otherwise, it is ultimately hampering
the PSU Banking BUSINESS.
When at branch level, customers
by having their Aadhaar
based 'Biometric AUTHENTICATION;
then what is the need to verify again by
CAPC department for 'Debit Freeze',
'Freeze' and 'Inoperative' STATUS;
for newly opened savings accounts only,
CAPC verification is fine, but, in other
cases, it is just BOGUS.
PSU Banks are hereby
suggested to prepare
the customers will just fill the form and
get instant ATM and cheques, this
strategy will be SUPERHIT.
A customer filled up the form along
with each and every self attested
photocopies of KYC DOCUMENT;
biometric authentication done,
create a new customer ID or for existing
customer ID, make necessary AMENDMENT.
Open the savings account and then
map the savings account number
with the Readykit serial NUMBER;
upload the savings account form in
CAPC portal to get it activated, the process
is as cool as CUCUMBER."- Arindam Sain