Saturday, July 13, 2024


"BAJRANG: 'You are 
really a very calm 
dog, I must SAY; 
I have watched you staring 
towards the sea waves for 
one hour or so, EVERYDAY.'

BAHADUR: 'Then, as a monkey, 
you must be very CARING; 
as you keep an eye on me, 
whenever I kept on STARING. 
I loved my lonely master, but, a week 
back, he got drowned in the sea waters 
as he was drunk, it was too TRAGIC;
I know he will never come back, 
but, still, I stare at the sea waters 
and become NOSTALGIC.'

BAJRANG: 'Well, your 
master was your family, 
you lost him last WEEK; 
due to a severe cyclone last 
month, I lost my parents, but, 
still, I am not mentally WEAK.'

BAHADUR: 'No one can win against 
'Mother Nature' and we all have to live , 
with what we have in our DESTINY;
not only of humans, even our life 
is very thrilling and interesting, 
as this world is not so TINY.'

BAJRANG: 'Nice to meet you, and 
as that tea seller boy calls you as 
'Bahadur', I know it is your NAME;
I am 'Bajrang', I stay in those trees of the 
nearby jungle beside this sea beach, I 
am very optimistic as life is a GAME.'"- Arindam Sain

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