"Bon Voyage ! The world is so
beautiful and is indeed ROUND;
we kept on singing while experimenting
with so many musical SOUND.
The peace of the mind, what
we have actually FOUND;
with such an awesome
ambience all AROUND.
Many people asked us,
'Why all of you formed a
musical band to SING ?';
we asked each other, we
asked ourselves, but, got no
answer, no, absolutely NOTHING.
Our souls have
decided to ENTERTAIN;
the God has gifted is the talent, so, after
a hot summer, let there be 'monsoon RAIN'.
When there is music in your
heart, the life looks DIFFERENT;
and you will observe and realize that of this
Universe, the God is the ultimate PARENT.
Any human may become greedy at times and
then realizes and says, 'Oh ! What a fool I AM !;
the truck with so much money
is stuck in a traffic JAM'.
When humans leave the world,
they are again NUDE;
then for some money, what was
the need to be selfish and RUDE.
We sing the song
of life to enjoy the
life which is WONDERFUL;
we have a responsibility to teach the
humans that love your 'Mother Nature' as
she is so caring and BEAUTIFUL."- Arindam Sain