"Make '2022', the year to ROCK;
open up any LOCK;
unchain and UNBLOCK;
all the loaded ships must reach the DOCK.
The storms are over,
there are sunny days AGAIN;
sail out to the seas
to see what you can GAIN;
due to frequent storms,
your initiatives went in VAIN;
but on sunny days, it is time
to put some extra efforts to REGAIN.
Within a time RANGE;
bring the rapid CHANGE.
Within a time FRAME;
try to win any GAME.
If by thinking out of the box,
you lose, there is no SHAME;
keep on innovating, because you
have to maintain the 'Brand NAME'.
Many new competitors
will surely COME;
with a sportsman spirit,
you may have to WELCOME.
More competition means,
you are not sitting IDLE;
always preparing yourself to win the gold
medal by beating them in the last HURDLE.
When the target is NEAR;
run the car in top GEAR.
The growth rate may look SLOW;
as the ocean is deep, not SHALLOW;
and the big fishes are
ready to SWALLOW;
but you must learn to swim quickly
even against the direction of water FLOW.
Let the year of '2022'
become the 'Comeback Year'
for almost EVERYONE;
as with some good and
bad memories, we are bidding
goodbye to the year of '2021'."- Arindam Sain