"For the digital banking in India,
by the end of FY 2023-24,
there will be a new SUNSHINE;
as the data of all the
banks in India will be on the
swadeshi 'cloud number NINE'.
No, no, we are not talking
about that particular
Bryan Adams's superhit SONG;
the implementation to put up all the
banking data in the cloud has already
started, it may not take too LONG.
In many metro branches as well as
urban branches, there may not be
any enquiry officer's PRESENCE;
a robotics programmed character in your banking
app will deal with you with the backend support
of a specialist team of artificial INTELLIGENCE.
Even by the end of FY 2024-25,
biometric authentication
may become OBSOLETE;
the UIDAI retina authentication
will replace it, to make the ekyc
more secured and CONCRETE.
Also, in the digital banking
apps, the MPIN and TPIN
concept may fade OUT;
random pin generation just like Google
authenticator will come into play based on
'otp', with the system of automatic LOGOUT.
As a customer, in the banking app, either
by typing text or voice message, you
just need to tell your REQUIREMENT;
then the backend expert team will provide you a
list of best products for you to avail, based on AI
linked customer relationship MANAGEMENT'.
So, be prepared
with your smartphone,
we are coming to entertain
you in digital BANKING;
don't worry, don't you fear,
'Cyber Commandos' are always vigilant
to make you feel that your banking data
is secured and you are the KING.
Just chill with a relaxed mind,
everything regarding digital banking
will be very smooth and FINE;
welcome to the digital world of
the Indian Banking system at our
swadeshi 'CLOUD NUMBER NINE'."- Arindam Sain