"On the previous night, the Presiding Officer
must make sure that on each ballot paper,
there should be his/her SIGNATURE;
mock polling of at least 50 votes must
be done and it is also true that all the
polling agents are not of polite NATURE.
All the anti-socials
must feel the HEAT;
that how dangerous it is indeed when
the paramilitary forces start to BEAT.
If the polling agents do not
cooperate with each other
and create any DISTURBANCE;
then the Presiding Officer has full power
to get them out of the Polling Booth to
avoid any other type of NUISANCE.
Before the election day, the polling personnel
must avoid eating rich foods at any COST;
because if any one falls ill on the
polling day, some valuable time is LOST.
The reserve team of polling personnel
is always kept handy and the people
in the reserve bench are always
ready to act as a backup SYSTEM;
in whichever polling booths, too much
violence and other disturbances have
taken place, are to be thoroughly scrutinized
even after a neutral POST-MORTEM.
All strong rooms
must have a system of 3-tier
security and SURVEILLANCE;
even the Intelligence Officers and
Commandos must do their expert duty
perfectly and secretly in ACCORDANCE.
Election duty is a very
important duty to retain peace,
stability and DEMOCRACY;
anti incumbency factor steps in
whenever the ruling government
starts executing AUTOCRACY."- Arindam Sain
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