after the 'AMPHAN' CYCLONE;
so many people got digitally disconnected, so
many people were fighting the crisis ALONE.
It was really one of the toughest
times for the team members
of any disaster MANAGEMENT;
as so many trees and lamp posts fell in several
roads, it was really a time taking task to make
any necessary ARRANGEMENT.
Totally cutoff digitally, there were
problems of electricity and water in
some places too, what a sad STORY;
but, in almost each and every house of
villages, there is at least one radio set
that runs on BATTERY.
By hearing the news in the
radio sets, the villagers were
getting the real time INFORMATION;
and then they were having a
meeting among themselves
to find a feasible SOLUTION;
to prepare a task force at village level
to help each other rapidly to come
out of this bad SITUATION.
Many lives have
been saved in
the coastal areas
due to timely EVACUATION;
it has been a good team
work with meteorological
departments, by both Odisha and
Bangabhoomi ADMINISTRATION."- Arindam Sain
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