"Mr. Y: 'Do you know that you have
at least one good QUALITY;
wherever you go, whatever you do,
you always have so much CURIOSITY.
You can use this quality to do
some research works, maybe,
even in contractual MODE;
we will provide you access to different
research papers of our firm's 'e-Library',
which will be your new digital ABODE.'
Mr. Z: 'I don't stick to the same topic
or subject for a long time, though,
it is indeed a nice SUGGESTION;
it is really a privilege that by spending
some time in this arena, if I can make
some important CONTRIBUTION.
I have done
some research works
in our management
course CLASSES;
I have one request that the negative
points of any issues must be kept,
no matter whatever may be the
topic of those CASES.
All research papers must
be published publicly
to allow the readers to find
various solutions rather than
regarding it as a THESIS."- Arindam Sain
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